Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Susan and I have evacuated with my Dad and Jeannie to my great aunt and uncle's place in Frankston, TX. We can be reached at (903)876-5383. Everybody is safe. My brother has gone to Houston, and my mom and Nannie are in Bay City, TX with other evacuated family members. So far we have no news about our house, but have heard that my dad's house has sustained no major damage and no flooding. Chris' house is also o.k. No flooding and no damage.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Almost finished July!

I have almost finished processing July. About half of it has been posted. Everything has been going well. Emma did have her first fever about a week ago. Luckily it only lasted two days.

She turned seven months on August 12, 2205. We won;t have another doctor's visit until she is 9 months old though, so we won't have a height and weight update until then.

We have also rearranged her schedule. She was getting to bed really late, after midnight, and then sleeping in. Now we have her going to bed at a more reasonalble time, between ten and eleven. (Although this week she has been a little off again.)

Hopefully I will be able to finish the rest of July within the next couple of days, and then start on August. I will get the pictures up as soon as I can.
Almost big enough for this chair. July 9, 2005 Posted by Picasa
In Emma's room, July 10, 2005 Posted by Picasa
Almost sitting up Posted by Picasa
Emma and Mommy Posted by Picasa
Emma and Mommy Posted by Picasa
Emma and Daddy Posted by Picasa
Went to visit Grandma & Grandpa on July 10, 2005 Posted by Picasa
Yeah! Posted by Picasa
He's taking another picture... Posted by Picasa
Blowing Raspberries at Grandpa Posted by Picasa
Grandpa's got me Posted by Picasa
I love Great Aunt Dotti's Pillow! Posted by Picasa
Emma in her crib, July 14, 2005 Posted by Picasa
Who do I see? Posted by Picasa
Peeking Posted by Picasa
Mommy loves me! Posted by Picasa
I like reading with Daddy! July 16, 2005 Posted by Picasa
Reading is good for me! Posted by Picasa
What a soft puppy! Posted by Picasa
This Snoopy was Mommy's when she was little Posted by Picasa