Thursday, October 13, 2005

9 Month Checkup

Emma had her nine month checkup yesterday. She is 28" long and weighs 19 lbs. 10 oz. Other than her continuing allergy problems she is doing great. She is crawling and pulling up to standing, but has not figured out cruising yet. We expect that it won't take her long to figure it out.

We are back home, and have been for a couple of weeks. We got to watch Hurricane Rita come and go under our house. Only two feet of water, not the 4 or so that Katrina pushed through. We didn't even lose power. It was just a little difficult to get out of the house for a couple of days. (I should get a pirogue.)

Below are some pictures from our evacuation to Joan and Neil's place in Frankston, TX (The Pond). I have some pictures from before the evacuation that I have not gotten to, that I will get to eventually.